Guava Compote San Jorge Má® 113 g

Publicado: 25 June, 2024

San Jorge® Má compotes are a food obtained from the pulp of the fruit, are ready to consume at any time of the day and are a complement to breast milk. Your kids are going to love it!

Features & Benefits

  • They have no preservatives, colors, or artificial flavorings.
  • Ideal as a dessert for adults.


Store the product in a clean, cool, dry place.

Shelf life

12 months


  • 113 g


Length: 58 mm

Width: 58 mm

Height: 70 mm

Breast milk is the best food for the child. This product is only complementary to breast milk after the first six (6) months of age of the child. Supply this product using a cup or spoon. If the indications of preparation and hygiene are not strictly followed, this or any other food is harmful to the health of the baby.

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