Levapan at the business event organized by Fenalco

Levapan at the business event organized by Fenalco

By: Laura Alejandra Castro Herrera-Comunicaciones Levapan

“The Night of the Best” is an award organized by
Fenalco Bogotá
, in which a special recognition is made to entrepreneurs and merchants who with their efficient work seek to improve the country’s economy.

This event has different categories, each award is a symbol of gratitude and motivation; this year the resilience of entrepreneurs who have stood out as a guiding light for the reactivation of trade in Bogotá, the region and the country was recognized.

The Night of the Best 2021

was held on Tuesday, November 9 at the Movistar Arena in the city of Bogotá and had nine categories: Leadership in Financing, Entrepreneur of the Year, Social Responsibility, Teamwork, Best Marketing Strategy, Award for a Guild Life, Innovation and Technology, Manager of the Year and Business Merit, category in which the National Yeast Company Levapan S.A was nominated.

The Business Merit Award has awarded different organizations that have stood out for their business management in the last nine years, among them are: Crepes & Waffles in 2012, Jardines del Recuerdo in 2014, Almacén los Tres Elefantes in 2015, Manufacturas Eliot-Pat Primo in 2016, Merquellantas SAS in 2018, Espumados in 2019 and finally, Arturo Calle in 2021.

It was an honor to be part of the nomination and the three finalist companies to receive the award, this is a sign of the commitment that the company has had during these 68 years, where it has stood out for its business management, support for the reactivation of trade and responsible business.

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